Wednesday February 6th, at The North Lawn of the United Nations, Madonna and Gucci will host A NIGHT TO BENEFIT RAISING MALAWI AND UNICEF, an exclusive fundraising event.
Co-chaired by Gucci's Creative Director, Frida Giannini, this evening is dedicated to raising funds and awareness for orphans and children made vulnerable by HIV/AIDS in Africa.
Joining Madonna and Frida Giannini, is a list of distinguished co-chairs including: Drew Barrymore, Adrien Brody, Arpad Busson, Salma Hayek and Francois-Henri Pinault, Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher, Gwyneth Paltrow, Matthew Broderick, Professor Jeffrey Sachs, Sting, UNICEF Ambassadors Tea Leoni, Lucy Liu, Sarah Jessica Parker and Trudie Styler.
The evening includes a live auction hosted by Chris Rock and musical performances by Alicia Keys, Timbaland, and Rihanna.
Gucci Group
Source @ Fibre2fashion