Artikel ini aku dapat dari sabahat blogger Aris Rinaldi, bukanny amau copas artikel ini. Aku cuma sekedar ngasih referensi lain, berhubung ziddu lagi bermasalah. mungkin artikel ini bisa dijadikan referensi.
Earn Money With Miss Upload
With you’ll not only enjoy our exciting file sharing experience, you’ll also earn Points which can be converted into cash!
you will get $0,01 for each Unique download. Redeemed cash will be transfered via PayPal once it reaches $10.
There are 2 ways to earn Points:you will get $0,01 for each Unique download. Redeemed cash will be transfered via PayPal once it reaches $10.
1. By sharing files and earning points for downloads
- $10 per 1000 Unique Downloads
2. Referral Premium Account
- You will get $0.1 or 100 Points from those who buy Premium Accounts from your affiliate link.
1. You must create an account and upload all your files when you are signed into your account so we can track your downloads.
2. Downloads of files smaller than 5MB do not qualify.
3. You must not try to manipulate your download statistics or you will be disqualified. Only unique completed downloads are counted.
4. You should NOT share your account password. Shared accounts are immediately closed without warning.
5. Payment are made by paypal and for some country we can do bank transfer (Please check on your account panel).
6. reserves the right to modify the Rewards program at any time.
2. Downloads of files smaller than 5MB do not qualify.
3. You must not try to manipulate your download statistics or you will be disqualified. Only unique completed downloads are counted.
4. You should NOT share your account password. Shared accounts are immediately closed without warning.
5. Payment are made by paypal and for some country we can do bank transfer (Please check on your account panel).
6. reserves the right to modify the Rewards program at any time.
Lumayan nih, Bagi kamu yang suka upload file maupun sharing file, situs ini bisa berguna bagi kamu-kamu. Selain kamu upload file maupun share, kamu di bayar dengan dollar via paypal jika kamu memenuhi rules di atas. Salahsatu syaratnya kamu mesti upload file up…up..up 5 megabyte tanpa melakukan kecurangan….pastinya
missupload memberikan reward uang sampai Rp 90.000 untuk per 1000 download total filenya. pembayaran bca dan mandiri. Untuk hal ini saya belum mengetahui pasti karna saya juga baru daftar disitus ini, Cara kerja mirip rapidshare maupn ziddu. Free Upload Earn Money…try this

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