This report aims to study all about tattoos, from their origin and evolution to the traditions in various parts of the world. It essentially consists of the following parts:
- The meaning of 'tattoo'
- Tattooing over the ages
- Tattoo customs
- Modern tattoos
Meaning of 'Tattoo'
What is meant by the term 'tattoo'? A tattoo refers to a design painted on the skin of human beings or animals.
The word 'tattoo' has been derived from the Samoan word 'tatau', which means 'to mark twice'. This has reference to the traditional method of applying designs on skin. The syllable 'ta' means 'hand', while 'u' means 'colour'.
Tattooing over the ages
When was the first tattoo done? In other words, when did the art of tattooing originate? The earliest instance of tattoos has been found from the Upper Paleolithic Era, i.e. between 10000 and 38000 BC. Instruments used for tattooing from this period have been excavated. These instruments typically consist of a clay dish and needles made from bone. The needles are inserted into holes made into the dish. It is believed that the dish would hold pigment, while the needles would be used for piercing skin and making designs. Another evidence that tattooing did exist during this period has also been obtained figures made of clay and stone that have engraved designs on them. Probably, these designs represent tattoos.
Evidence of tattooing in the Bronze Age has also been found. The tattooed body of the European Iceman 'Oetzi', found near the Italian-Austrian border in the year 1991 is believed to be from this era. This is the first instance of tattooing that has been found on a human body.
The following are some instances of early tattoos found in different parts of the world:
Tattooed Egyptian mummies from around 1300 BC have also been found. Most of these tattoos are geometrical shapes, while some are religious in nature. Several of them have the goddess Neith tattooed on the skin.