JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Berbeda dengan sunat atau khitan pada laki-laki yang jelas mendatangkan manfaat - antara lain mencegah terjadinya infeksi dan kanker - khitan perempuan sama sekali tidak memiliki manfaat kesehatan. Yang ada, justru membahayakan dan dapat menimbulkan risiko kematian
"Khitan bagi perempuan tidak ada manfaatnya sama sekali. Karena itu, fakultas kedokteran tidak ada yang mengajarkan khitan untuk wanita. Kecil atau tidaknya tindakan yang dilakukan, karena berada dalam area sensitif wanita dinilai sangat berbahaya. Mulai dari pembedahan sampai anastesi. yang paling parah dari khitan bisa menimbulkan kematian," kata dr. Artha Budi Susila Duarsa, M. Kes di sela peluncuran Buku Khitan Perempuan: Dari Sudut Pandang Sosial, Budaya,Kesehatan, dan Agama, Selasa (27/07/10) di Jakarta.
Khitan perempuan sendiri menurut Badan Kesehatan Dunia WHO terbagi atas 4, yaitu : Tipe 1, yaitu memotong seluruh bagian klitoris (bagian mirip penis pada tubuh pria), Tipe 2, yaitu memotong sebagian klitoris, Tipe 3, yaitu menjahit atau menyempitkan mulut vagina (infibulasi), dan Tipe 4 yaitu menindik, menggores jaringan sekitar lubang vagina atau memasukkan sesuatu ke dalam vagina agar terjadi pendarahan dengan tujuan memperkencang atau mempersempit vagina.
Meskipun pemberlakuan khitan perempuan di Indonesia hanya pada batas tipe 4, namun menurut dr. Artha, pemotongan klitoris sendiri tidak boleh terjadi.
"Karena klitoris memainkan peran penting dalam meningkatkan kenikmatan seksual seorang perempuan. Selain itu, melalui klitoris dapat terjadi ekskresi kelenjar di sekitar vagina," imbuh dr. Artha.
Tidak mengubah bentuk klitoris dinilai dr. Artha sangat penting karena letak klitoris yang dikelilingi oleh saraf menyebabkan sangat peka secara seksual.
"Menghilangkan klitoris akan menurunkan kepekaan perempuan terhadap rangsangan seksual. Klitoris juga berefek pada lubrikasi pada vagina. Semakin banyak lubrikasi pada vagina maka perempuan akan semakin siap ketika penis dimasukkan. Jika tidak ada klitoris, vagina akan kering dan masuknya penis akan menyebabkan rasa sakit pada vagina sehingga timbul ketakutan pada perempuan untuk melakukan hubungan badan berikutnya," kata dr. Artha.
Hal yang sama juga terjadi apabila melakukan infibulasi. Labia minora (kulit luar) juga dipenuhi dengan saraf yang membuat bagian ini sensitif terhadap rangsangan seksual. Seperti klitoris, memotong labia minora juga akan membuat perempuan kurang peka terhadap stimulasi seksual.
"Semuanya ini menyulitkan perempuan untuk mencapai orgasme. Menjahit mulut vagina akan menghambat masuknya penis. Rasa sakit yang dialami perempuan akan mengerikan dan jika penis berhasil melakukan penetrasi maka akan menyebabkan pendarahan," kata dr. Artha.
Tinggi resiko kematian pada khitan perempuan membuat pemerintah Indonesia sendiri secara tegas melarang khitan bagi perempuan, karena melanggar UU Kekerasan terhadap perempuan.
Peraturan serupa juga diberlakukan parlemen Mesir mengesahkan UU tentang pelarangan khitan perempuan. Bagi yang melanggar akan dikenakan denda 185 USD sampai 900 dollar AS dan kurungan penjara antara 3 bulan sampai dengan 2 tahun. Namun di Asia, praktik khitan sendiri hingga saat ini masih dilakukan di Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, dan Malaysia.
Loren Jewels to create Kim Kollection
Loren Ridinger, Creator of the uber-luxurious Loren Jewels announced today that she and Kim Kardashian are partnering to design an exclusive line of earrings to be called the “Kim Kollection.” This stunning 20-piece Jewellery collection will incorporate diamonds, emeralds, rubies and other precious gems and metals offering Hollywood glam exclusively through Lorenjewels.com.
“Kim’s a fashion icon and millions of people are inspired by her style making our collaboration on the “Kim Kollection” a natural fit,” said Ridinger. Kim’s glamorous Hollywood lifestyle inspired her to design and collaborate with her close friend, Loren Ridinger, to create this ultra-chic line of earrings.
“Kim Kollection” is scheduled to be released this fall and will be officially launched on August 7th at the marketamerica.com International Convention with over 25,000 attendees.
We’re delighted with the high demand for Pure, Bleasby
This weekend’s Pure looks set to be in the best in its history, with a 17% increase in the number of brands exhibiting at the show. The number of pre-registered visitors is also the highest recorded for the show.
Event Director Sam Bleasby said ‘we’re delighted with the high demand for Pure; it is a testament to Pure’s popularity, and how, especially in a tough economic climate, buyers needs are able to get the best possible choice and range of inspirational collections that will benefit their business. We’ve invested in the show to make it more appealing to buyers than ever before, with a new premium section, champagne tea parties, and two stages packed full of essential seminars , catwalks and industry leading guests.’
New for August, the opulent surrounds of the Pillar Hall at Olympia will play host to a handpicked selection of the best high end, and exclusive boutique womenswear brands from around the world. Buyers will be able to source from over 20 leading labels including Antik Batik, Betty Jackson Two, Stefanel, Anonymous by Ross + Bute, Single and Best Behaviour.
Top British designer Zandra Rhodes will be returning to the show with her handbag collection and her footwear range. Zandra Rhodes and Vogue.com will be live on stage, presenting key pieces from Zandra’s archive showing her signature prints, textiles, colours and fabrics and how they have influenced her current handbag and footwear collections.
Read More... @ Fibre2fashion
Sexy Celebrities in Sexy Dresses

9. Jennifer Love Hewitt wears this Herve Leger bandage dress perfectly and unlike on this week's worst dressed list, Jennifer has chosen a style that is fantastic for her figure and gives her all kinds of hidden support to enhance her curves!

8. AnnaLynne McCord looks like such a lady in this white tiered Alice + Olivia dress! It lengthens her body and her back swept hair is stunning on her young skin. Well done AnnaLynne!

7. We thought the Sex and the City ladies were a bit blah on the red carpet this week for their premieres, but we did love Kim Cattrall's looks! She was sexy and elegant and glamorous and still managed to be age appropriate. What a lady!

6. Scarlett Johansson is Spring fresh in this floral dress and sid-curled hair, we also love the fresh and colourful makeup. This girl has a style that she sticks to and it works everytime!

5. Another lady who can do no wrong on the red carpet! Diane Kruger looking fantastic at a Hugo Boss party in a playsuit made from mens suiting fabric. Fabulous! Ooh and the wavey curl updo with the leopard print pumps are a fun touch!

4. Yay Sarah Jessica Parker finally came close to wowing us at the London premiere of Sex and the City 2 premiere, after a boring and safe week of fashion choices. She paid tribute to her friend, designer Alexander McQueen in this dark fairytale dress with the big headpiece. We liked!

3. Peaches Geldof has had a makeover! She is tanned and bronzed, her teeth and eyes look brighter and whiter and she is rocking this season's bronze metallic fashion trend. We love it! Especially the headpiece, but maybe she could go easier on the tan?

2. We think Scottish actress Karen Gillan looked amazing at the British Television Awards this past week! The bronzey colour of the dress suit and the flesh tone camisole work perfectly with her red hair and skin colour. What a gorgeous outfit!

1. Emma Roberts goes godess! This cut-out shoulder mini-dress was a total winner for us, especially with the metallic pumps and jewelled clutch and the subtle hair and makeup! Wow!
Fashionistas shined brightly in some of this season's sparkly, metallic and floral trends this week! Some of our favourites have to be Jennifer Love Hewitt, who is learning how to dress for her curves and Diane Kruger who knows how to make fashion chic and fun at the same time! See who was our number one look though!
Credit: posh24.com
Taylor Momsen's sense of style fits with MG look
Madonna stated, "Taylor has a cool sense of style that's unique and fits with the Material Girl look."
Taylor Momsen stated, "I'm psyched to be the face of Material Girl! For one, it's Madonna so you know it's gonna be cool and working with Madonna and Lola has been an unbelievable experience. They have such great sense of style, each brought their personal touch to the styling for the campaign." Momsen added, "A Material Girl can be anyone you want, it's all about making the style your own, that's what is cool about it."
The collection will launch exclusively in select 200 Macy's stores across the country and online on August 3rd for the back-to-school season. To support the launch, a national advertising campaign will appear in August and September issues of fashion, lifestyle and entertainment magazines such as Teen Vogue, Seventeen, Nylon and Cosmopolitan amongst others, be heavily integrated online and appear in cinemas throughout the summer.
Read more about Taylor Momsen's sense of style at Fibre2fashion
View More Taylor Momsen's Images
FW Fashion Trends 2010/2011/2012 (142) Knitwear ,Faux Fur, Chiffon
Fall Winter Fashion Trends for 2010, 2011, 2012 (142) Knitwear ,Faux Fur, Chiffon
Menghapus Follower Blog
Sumber : http://5hare.blogspot.com/2010/02/menghapus-follower-blog.html
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Inilah Bahaya Di Balik Sunat Perempuan
sumber : http://id.news.yahoo.com/kmps/20100728/tls-inilah-bahaya-di-balik-sunat-perempu-8d16233.html
Buat teman teman yang menemukan broken link alias link rusak tolong kasih tahu ya,admin mengucapkan terimakasih atas laporannya.Mohon laporannya tulis di kolom komentar. Aku usahakan untuk segera diperbaiki.
Hong Kong model Angelababy 2010 Wild Photo

The second "Harbour City STYLE Model Hunt model Competition" will soon start recruiting activities. After the first session, Angelababye leaded four new young models to shot a set of poster.
As the next day to leave Hong Kong, Angelababy come and gone, only a short stay more than three hours, has completed the make-up, the entire head and filming work. Angelababy skillfully by the photographer’s request, assumed a variety of professional positions, cute, sexy, and healthy …
See the others 2!

Shoushou Zhai Ling latest magazine photo, put sexy charming poses
Yang Mi 2010 sweet Lolita style garden photo

Recently, the fashion Princess Yang Mi follow the international fashion trend, for a magazine shot a group of sweet Lolita style photo. In the photo, this year’s most popular Japanese style hairstyle, special fashion dress and accessories, Yang Mi fully shown the sweet and sexy Lolita style.
See the others 3!

63rd Cannes Film Festival, sexy Greek Goddess Fan Bingbing

Cannes, France, 63rd Cannes Film Festival, the main competition single film, "Chongqing Blues" held a press conference. After the press conference was held, Fan Bingbing quickly replaced by an asymmetrical design folds LV white dress and prepare for the next interview. Wearing this dress, Fan Bingbing just like the Greek goddess, sexy infinite.
See the others 5!

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