"Just As New Bloom Spreads Fragrance And Freshness Around,
May The New Year Add A Beauty And Freshness In Your Life"




Jessica Parker & Broderick's twin girls spotted in LibraKnits

Superstylish celebrity mom Sarah Jessica Parker was spotted out and about in New York this weekend with husband Matthew Broderick and their six-month-old twin girls, Marion and Tabitha. The girls looked adorable in matching fuzzy pink onesies, and they were both wearing the cold-weather baby accessory of the season, the LibraKnits Re sa Cap.

In fact, fashion forward moms all over the country are choosing LibraKnits hats to keep their babies cozy and stylish. This unique company is offering only the most luxurious, posh hats on the market, in a variety of styles. The hats are knit by hand out of only the best materials found around the world, from silk, bamboo, and angora to the softest organic cotton available. Each hat is handmade for the special baby whose mom is at the peak of the fashion trends. They are offered in an array of flattering colors to make each baby look his or her best.

Created by inspirational work-at-home mom Amanda Sawyer, the quality and comfort of her products is guaranteed. Moms want the very best for their babies, and Sawyer has met the challenge to give it to them since January 2008. Her vogue infant hats are flourishing among new moms who refuse to sacrifice style just because they have children. "Our goal has always been to create the most stylish baby products we can," says Sawyer. "When someone as fashion-forward as Sarah Jessica Parker is willing to dress her babies in our hats, we know that we've succeeded."


2010 New Year Eve Dress Code : Preen's Power Dress

The economics of the party-dress industry works like this: big brands pay good money to the right actresses and pop stars for wearing their clothes to the most glamorous events. Payment may take the form of a lucrative advertising contract, or an all-expenses-paid, private-jet-and-Paris-Ritz freebie, or a discreet five-figure bank transfer – but in some form, the transaction is monetised. The only "in" for a small designer hoping for A-list patronage is to create something so unique and one-of-a-kind that a star decides to wear it in order to secure style-leader status. So, here's a fashion brain-teaser for you: how does Preen, a small London fashion label without an advertising budget let alone a private-jet budget, manage to pull off Kate Moss, Gwyneth Paltrow, Cheryl Cole and Rihanna all squeezing into an almost identical dress?

The image “http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2009/12/23/1261573731897/Preen-Power-dress-001.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

By magic, that's how. Because that's what the Power dress is: old-fashioned magic. The dress a fairy godmother might conjure up for you if you had a hot date (and a fairy godmother). Created by British design duo Justin Thornton and Thea Bregazzi in their London studio, and perfected over the course of three years, the Power dress is the ultimate modern party dress: sexy, cool, understated. That it has become near-ubiquitous on the party pages while remaining unidentifiable to those not in the know is testament to its sleight of hand – this is a dress that trains the spotlight on its wearer, not itself. Oh, and there's one more thing: stretch elastane, a 1950s corsetting fabric, which forms the base layer of the Power dress. The fact that this dress takes around an inch off your waist and flattens your stomach surely doesn't hurt.

When the Power dress was born in September 2006, Preen was already a decade-old veteran of the British fashion scene. But this dress – short and sculptural, with a flatteringly fluid layer of satin draped over the steely inner elastane like the icing on a cupcake – was sexier, more va-va-voom, than what Preen had done before. The next day, the phone rang: Kate Moss wanted the dress.

"That seemed like a good sign," recall Thornton and Bregazzi, with typical understatement. Indeed. But buyers were less keen. Some boutiques that had previously stocked Preen even skipped their order that season. "They said, 'It's too tight. We can't sell it,'" remembers Thornton. But when the stock hit the shopfloor in early 2007, those buyers who had embraced the Power dress found they had a hit on their hands. Within a week, Selfridges and Net-A-Porter were both on the phone placing repeat orders. Amy Winehouse wore the dress in yellow, with a black bra, to the Brits, showing the Power dress at its most rock'n'roll; Gwyneth Paltrow wore it in black to the Iron Man premiere, "which made people realise it could be chic, too", says Thornton.

Thornton and Bregazzi have been together for 14 years, and working together for 13. In the tediously mannered fashion scene, where designers affect ever more ludicrous eccentricities in lieu of having anything interesting to say, they are brilliantly normal. When they are designing, says Bregazzi, "Justin will show me a sketch and I'll say, that's lovely, but where would you put your boobs?" They have a daughter, Fauve; not long ago, on Fauve's first birthday, they got engaged. For the first six months, they took Fauve to work every day – first in her moses basket, then in a playpen and highchair. It wasn't until the day she brought a high-level meeting in Selfridges boardroom to a standstill with her high-decibel raspberry-blowing that they hired a part-time nanny.

Their down-to-earth attitude has been key to their success. Where other young British designers are hampered by a too-cool-for-school attitude that drives them to reinvent themselves each season for fear of being labelled dull, Preen have felt the wind in their sails and held steady. As Melanie Rickey, Grazia's fashion editor at large, puts it, "what they've done, which a lot of designers fail to do, is realise when they're on to something, and stick with it". The Power dress has become a constant, although refined slightly with each season – sometimes with a peplum, sometimes with a bubble skirt, and now also in a longer "ripple" version that, says Thea, suits fuller body shapes.

Like the Roland Mouret Galaxy dress before it, the Power owes as much to what it suggests as what it reveals. As Rickey puts it, "it's as sexy as Herve Leger, but much subtler. It doesn't expose your anatomy in the way a bandage dress does. It somehow makes small boobs look bigger and big ones look smaller; it literally forms you into this incredible shape." Laura Larbalestier, designerwear buyer for Selfridges, pinpoints the Preen customer as the woman "who wants to go out and look good but not too girly. She wants a bit of attitude. It's a cool girl's way of looking sexy without looking like she's tried too hard."

Will the devil still be wearing Prada this New Year's Eve? We'll probably never know. Because even if he is, everyone will be looking at the girls in Preen.

Source : www.guardian.co.uk 

Ingin Membuat logo atau banner sendiri yang menarik sehingga nantinya akan menjadi ciri untuk blog atau produk anda? Memang untuk membuat desain logo atau banner yang unik sebaiknya dapat memahami aplikasi standard untuk desain seperti Adobe Photoshop atau Coreldraw. Tapi bagi kamu yang memang tidak ingin ribet dan ingin langsung membuat dengan logo dengan cepat kini ada solusi yang menurut saya terbaik untuk saat ini. AAA logo 2009 adalah software yang memang khusus untuk membuat atau mendesain logo yang unik dan menarik. Dengan AAA Logo 2009 kita dapat membuat logo hanya dengan tiga kali klik saja karena kita juga dapat membuat logo dengan template yang sudah disedikan. Bukan hanya itu saja dalam AAA logo juga mengikut sertakan jenis Font yang menarik dan ribuan icon yang siap ditambahkan ke dalam logo kita.
Berikut hasil desain dari AAA logo 2009 dengan hanya 2 klik saja.

Tampilan yang bersahabat membuat kita dapat dengan mudah menguasai software yang satu ini. Jadi masih kesulitan membuat logo sendiri ? dan buat kamu yang memang sudah mahir dalam dunia desain kenapa tidak mencoba juga software yang satu ini.. Untuk mendapatkan AAA logo silahkan gunakan link dibawah ini..

Ok semoga dapat bermanfaat.

 Sumber : http://ebenk789.co.cc/2009/06/cara-mudah-membuat-logo-dengan-aaa-logo-2009.html

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Zellers offers The Creativity Collection by Paris Hilton

The Creativity Collection by Paris Hilton is now available at Zellers across Canada! The whole line was created and designed for teens and young adults. The line consists of scrapbooking accessories, albums and embellishments for the consumer to personalize their memories, objects and fashion accessories.

"I am so excited to be working with Wooky Entertainment to launch Paris Hilton, the Creativity Collection in Canada," explained Paris Hilton. "These fashion kits reinforce creativity and individual style. I hope my collection will inspire young women and give them a greater sense of accomplishment and self confidence."

Paris Hilton is doing a monthly blog on scrapbooking.com. In December, Paris is showing us a gift box she made for her sister Nicky for Christmas with the scrapbooking layout concept. "The gift box is a fun and easy way for everyone to add a personal touch to a gift. It's easy and so appreciated." In January, Paris will share with her fans and other scrappers the importance of high self-esteem.

Wooky Entertainment

Seputar Macromedia Director

 Berikut adalah daftar FAQ seputar macromedia director yang dibahas di web hendihen.com

20 Tutorial + CD
III. FAQ Macromedia Director

1. Membuat file Projector di Director MX2004 gimana ya?
Jawab: menu : File --> Publish Setting ,Pastikan checklist Projector aktif. Lalu klik tombol Publish.

2. Gimana caranya menghilangkan titlebar saat dibuat projector?
Jawab: Kalau pake macromedia Director MX 2004, aktifkan Stage/movie, di Property Inspector ->Display template : Titlebar option matikan ceklis Visible.

3. Tombol saya buat dengan tools, setelah diberi script "go frame 31" koq ga jalan?
Jawab:Director MX2004 mempunyai panel tools telah menggantikan tools yang ada di versi sebelumnya. Termasuk tool tombol, kini bentuknya berupa flash button. Untuk mengembalikan ke tools versi "classic", ganti kata default dengan classic di bawah tools, maka tombol yang anda inginkan bisa tampil dan digunakan seperti di buku.- Jika masih tetap lebih suka dengan tombol flash, akan ada masalah di Script sehingga perintah "go frame XX" tidak berfungsi. Untuk membuat tombol dapat bekerja dengan script, di property inspector --> Flash component, aktifkan EventPassMode menjadi #passAlways.Sekarang script dapat anda terapkan di tombol flash.

4. Apa bedanya Macromedia Director dan Flash?
Jawab: Fungsinya memang hampir sama yaitu untuk multimedia interaktif, bedanya Flash cocok untuk buat web/online, tombol, ilustrasi kartun karena basisnya vector. Director cocok untuk presentasi dengan media CD, file2 multimedia ukuran besar (DVD, MPG, MP3), gambar2 dari photoshop, karena basisnya bitmap.

5. Gimana agar file video bisa tersimpan di belakang file jpeg?
Jawab: Gunakan Video format AVI dengan codec cinepak agar bisa lancar di semua komputer. Di property inspector matikan checklist DTS (Direct to Stage)

6. Gimana Script tombol supaya bisa buka explorer folder tertentu relatif terhadap projector?
on mouseup me
open "image" with "explorer"
artinya: script akan membuka folder image dengan explorer. Sayangnya untuk membuka folder lebih dalam lagi (misal folder image/photo) tidak berhasil
7. Gimana Script tombol untuk membuka file *.pdf?
Jawab: Anda bisa menggunakan Acrobat Reader atau Foxit Reader. Buat Script tombol sbb:
Jika anda menggunaka Foxit Reader:
on mouseup me
open "@/data/readme.pdf" with "foxit.exe"
Keterangan: script akan membuka file readme.pdf di folder data dengan foxit PDF reader. Foxit PDF lebih mudah dan cepat daripada Acrobat Reader terbaru. Catatan: Lokasi file Foxit.exe sama dengan Projector.exe
Jika anda menggunaka Acrobat Reader:
on mouseup me
open "@/data/readme.pdf" with "acrord32.exe"
Keterangan: Anda harus mengcopykan pula file pendukung (*.dll) ke CD di folder yang sama dengan Projector.exe agar Acrobat bisa dijalankan di komputer yang tidak terinstall Acrobat. Lebih baik gunakan acrobat versi 4 agar loading *.pdf lebih cepat dari pada Foxit Reader.

8. Gimana cara membuat perintah nge-print pada tombol?
Jawab: di tombol print tsb beri script:
on mouseUp me
printFrom label 30, 100
artinya: print tampilan di frame 30 sebesar 100% (normal)

9. Gimana supaya objek W3D bisa background transparan?
Jawab: klik objek 3d, di property inspector, nonaktifkan DTS (direct to stage),  lalu ganti ink dari Copy ke Background Transparent

10.Gimana supaya jika Virtual Reality dengan objek W3D tidak tembus Tembok?
Jawab: Hal tsb akan dijelaskan di buku 'the magic of macromedia director' edisi revisi bab 25. Untuk memperlihatkan fungsi collision detection silakan pelajari file vr2.dir.

11. Gimana caranya projector agar benar-benar Fullscreen?
- Copy file dmchangres.x32 ke folder:
   C:\Program Files\Macromedia\Director MX 2004\Configuration\Xtras
- buat frame script di awal movie (frame 1)sbb:
   on exit frame
- Aktifkan Stage/movie, di Property Inspector -> Display Template :
   Location (0,0),
   matikan ceklis Center
   matikan ceklis Visible pada option Titlebar
- Save Pekerjaan anda, Menu File -> Save misal di folder My Documents
- Pilih menu File -> Publish Setting : klik tab Projector,
  matikan ceklis Center Stage in Monitor ,
  Aktifkan ceklis Fullscreen,
- Jika klik tombol Publish maka akan ada pesan 'Script error, continue?' oleh karena itu anda harus membuat folder baru dengan nama XTRAS di My Documents. lalu copy file dmchangres.x32 di folder XTRAS tsb.
- Coba jalankan kembali file EXE anda. - beres!
Untuk mencoba silakan download dan pelajari file fullscreen.zip yang berisi file yang dibuat di DirectorMX 2004 tentang fullscreen.

12. Bagaimana menentukan harga sebuah cd interaktif,?
Jawab:Untuk mentukan harga karya seni, ada 3 pendekatan yang biasa saya lakukan:
pertama: menentukan harga sesuai content , kerumitan dan sumber daya yang dipaka
kedua : menentukan harga sesuai budget klien, kualitas menyesuaikan
ketiga : menentukan harga sesuai harga pesaing di pasaran
Anda dapat bebas menentukan sebuah karya seni, selama klien merasa puas. Saya menghindari pendekatan ke 3, karena karya seni mempunyai nilai yang abstrak seperti portofolio / pengalaman, nama besar dll. Dengan meningkatnya kualitas dan pengalaman kita akan tinggi pula daya saing dan daya jual karya kita. Contoh kasus CD-Interaktif, SDM yang terlibat antara lain:- Programmer Director / Flash, Narator / pembaca naskah, Animator untuk opening ,Desainer Grafis yang mengusai photoshop, coreldraw dll, - Sumber data / orang yang mengambil data image, video dan teks masing - masing mempunyai harga yang harus dipenuhi dan disepakati

13. Bagaimana cara register Directmedia Xtras?
Jawab:. Copy file directmediaxtras.x32 di CD folder xtras ke folder project anda, karena file tsb sudah di crack. Lalu klik register isi dengan nama sembarang. Restart Directornya

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Penggabungan Dua Lagu dengan Cool Edit Pro 2.0

Rahmad Husein H

Lisensi Dokumen:
Copyright © 2003-2006 IlmuKomputer.Com
Seluruh dokumen di IlmuKomputer.Com dapat digunakan, dimodifikasi dan
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tidak menghapus atau merubah atribut penulis dan pernyataan copyright yang
disertakan dalam setiap dokumen. Tidak diperbolehkan melakukan penulisan ulang,
kecuali mendapatkan ijin terlebih dahulu dari IlmuKomputer.Com.

Cool edit pro adalah software yang digunakan untuk mengedit file-file yang berekstensi
mp3, wav, cda, cel dan sebagainya yang mendukung format suara. Pada pembahasan kali
ini kita akan mencoba menggabungkan (mixing) suara dalam hal ini lagu, antara lagu
yang satu dengan yang lainnya, dan berbagai efek yang bisa digunakan dalam cool edit
pro 2.0.
1. Langkah awal yang harus kita lakukan adalah buka program cool edit pro seperti
terlihat pada gambar di bawah ini.


2. Pilih file open, masukkan lagu-lagu yang anda punyai.
Pada gambar di bawah ini saya memasukkan lagu rocker juga manusia miliknya
serious band dan lagu berlalu milikny the fly, seperti terlihat pada gambar.

Pada saat lagu dimainkan waktu yang ada di toolbarnya akan berjalan.
3. Langkah berikutnya adalah mainkan lagu pertama sampai kira-kira waktu
menunjukkan 20 detik kemudian klik stop. Dan bloklah lagu tersebut.
ce3Lagu dalam keadaan terblok dari detik awal sampai deti ke 20,190

4. Copykan dengan cara pilih menu edit → copy to new. Maka pada daftar lagu
yang terbuka akan bertambah 1 file lagu yang bertuliskan rocker juga manusia 2.
5. Lakukan hal yang sama pada lagu kedua, blok lagu pada detik sesuai selera anda
dan copy file tersebut seperti yang di jelaskan di atas.
Sekarang tampilan cool edit pro menjadi seperti berikut:
Ada 2 file baru hasil pengcopyan tadi.

6. Sekarang klik 2x pada lagu yang baru tercipta, pada penjelasan ini saya mengklik
file rocker juga manusia 2.
7. Blok semua area kerja dari cool edit pro sampai tampilannya menjadi agak keabuabuan
seperti terlihat pada gambar:
ce5Hasil pemblokan dari file

8. Kemudian pilih menu edit → copy.

9. Kemudian double klik file yang kedua, dalam hal ini saya mengklik file the fly
berlalu 2.
10. Kemudian klik pada tool bar paling kiri pojok bawah yang bertuliskan go to end
or next cue, fungsinya supaya lagu the fly 2 tersebut berada pada paling akhir
lagu. Kemudian klik paste.

11. Klik tombol play. Nah sekarang dengarkan hasil mixing atau penggabungan dua
lagu yang berbeda menjadi satu file.
Komunitas eLearning IlmuKomputer.Com
Copyright © 2003-2006 IlmuKomputer.Com
Dalam hal ini anda bebas melakukan paste dimana aja sesuai selera, diawal,
tengah-tengah ataupun diakhir.
Langkah selanjutnya yang akan kita lakukan adalah menambahkan effect pada
lagu tersebut.
12. Pilih tab effect atau menu effect, terlihat efek-efek yang dapat kita gunakan untuk
memodifikasi suara (lagu). Pada pembahasan ini kita akan menggunakan efek
special → distortion.
13. Pada keadaan file terblok pilih tab effect→ special→ distortion dan klik 2x.
Seperti terlihat pada gambar

14. Pada preset pilihlah background noise dan klik preview, anda juga dapat
menggeser kurva yang ada sesuai dengan selera anda. kemudian dengarkan dan
rasakan perbedaan dari suara awalnya. Anda dapat mencoba mencoba bagian
yang lain pada menu preset. Ataupun di menu effect.

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Bridal Fashion Jewellery Authentic and Fine

As the wedding fashion jewellery breadth and intention flood the advertise, the buyer regularly finds that making a select is getting to be a tough errand. However, effective with a few plain instructions does go a long way in ensuring that you gather out the right wedding fashion jewellery.

Budget – It will help tremendously to work within a plan when you do set out to buy fashion jewellery for your wedding. Most fashion jewellery food have very posh gear along with worse priced jumble too. Indeed looking for the pieces that accident within your array will help make a better abundance. Looking at the high end stuff will cause you disappointed in the ones that you can actually offer to buy. So forever set out the finances and look for fashion jewellery in that extend.

Match – Indeed it is very important to attain the fashion jewellery with the outfit that you expect to carry it with. So in dispute, it is a sallow gown from the Victorian era that you have selected, it will help to pick out a create that complements this dress. If your neckline is low, go with superior spit pieces, however, if you have elected a dress which has a cruiser peninsula then it will work better to have larger earrings instead.

Far sighted – Wedding fashion jewellery is typically a pricey buy and, save you desire to be fixed with an embellish that you are never able to scuffing again, it is better to buy bridal fashion jewellery that can be damaged with other garments too. When export for your trousseau it will help to buy different types of designs, to have a larger brand in your collection slightly than sticking to one particular manner.

Investment – In most bags wedding fashion jewellery stays in the family for generations and that is the reason one must forever work with a receipt when making the purchase from fashion jewellery supplies. Maintain a sandpaper where you keep these gate safely. It is also a good idea to have another jeweller ensure the authenticity of the jumble that you have bought, to be loyal that you have not been cheated.

Indeed the fashion jewellery commerce has come a packed enclose and the designers are no longer delivering mundane and run of the crush patterns. This is one of the major reasons as to why women nowadays are having a great time retail their wedding fashion jewellery, since have the plus of selection up delicate pieces that do not price them the earth.

Source : www.sodahead.com

Isi Hati Seorang Curly Girl part. 2

If you’re not the one then why does my soul feel glad today?
If you’re not the one then why does my hand fit yours this way?
If you are not mine then why does your heart return my call
If you are not mine would I have the strength to stand at all

I'll never know what the future brings
But I know you're here with me now
We’ll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with

I don’t want to run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand
If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?

If I don’t need you then why am I crying on my bed?
If I don’t need you then why does your name resound in my head?
If you’re not for me then why does this distance maim my life?
If you’re not for me then why do I dream of you as my husband?

I don’t know why you’re so far away
But I know that this much is true
We’ll make it through

And I hope you are the one I share my life with
And I wish that you could be the one I die with
And I pray in you’re the one I build my home with
I hope I love you all my life

‘Cause I miss you, body and soul so strong that it takes my breath away
And I breathe you into my heart and pray for the strength to stand today
‘Cause I love you, whether it’s wrong or right
And though I can’t be with you tonight
You know my heart is by your side

I don’t want to run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand
If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am
Is there any way that I could stay in your arms

*If You're Not The One - Daniel Bedingfield (dengan perubahan)

Holiday Ooooh Holiday...

Hey, Merry Christmas semuanya! Sedikit telat... tapi enggak apa-apa lah ya, kan sekarang masih suasana Natal :)

Saya selalu bermimpi ingin merayakan Natal di tempat yang spesial, dan bersama orang-orang yang spesial juga. Contohnya nih, angan-angan pertama: ingin white christmas sama keluarga besar di Belanda, dinner roasted turkey, ditemani segelas wine.. Ooh nikmatnya. Dan tentu saja masih ada ribuan angan-angan lainnya yang 'beterbangan' di pikiran saya.

Kesibukan saya sehari-hari cukup menyita pikiran dan tenaga. Karenanya setiap liburan tiba, saya selalu mendambakan liburan yang 'wah'. Wajar kan?
Dan liburan kali ini saya harus puas berlibur di Paris van Java tercinta, dan menghabiskan lebih banyak waktu di rumah. Bukannya saya mau meratapi nasib liburan akhir tahun saya, tetapi jujur saja saya iri melihat teman-teman yang bisa berlibur keluar kota bahkan ke luar negeri untuk merayakan Natal dan tahun baru.

Berbagai rencana liburan yang secara mendadak dirancang oleh keluarga saya pun dengan suksesnya gagal.
- Rencana berlibur dan menginap di Puncak Pass Resort batal, gara-garanya kami sekeluarga malas berhadapan dengan macet 'parah' di Puncak, yang di berita disebutkan macetnya sampai 15 km. Amit-amiitt... X( Dan sebelumnya kami belum melakukan reservasi resort.

- Rencana berlibur ke Cipanas, Garut pada tanggal 26 Desember. Bisa dibilang gagal, tetapi tidak sepenuhnya gagal juga. Jadi ceritanya kami sekeluarga berangkat dengan pedenya tanggal 26 Desember siang, tanpa melakukan reservasi terlebih dahulu di salah satu resort disana padahal saat itu sedang high season. Satu persatu resort kita telusuri, dan semuanya sudah full booked alias PENUH. Tempat menginap yang masih ada, tinggal tempat-tempat yang 'iyuuuuh' banget alias enggak banget!
Akhirnya kami hanya makan di resto sunda terdekat. Pujasega, tempatnya sangat cozy, seperti saung-saung, dan harga makanannya pun masih reasonable. Favorit saya adalah Large Gurame Goreng seharga Rp. 75.000,-. Lalu perjalanan diakhiri dengan mampir ke Kampung Sampireun yang sangat terkenal itu. So breathtaking! Disana, resort terletak di danau sehingga untuk menuju ke resort, setiap tamu harus mendayung perahu sendiri.

Dan berikut beberapa hal yang menghalangi saya untuk pergi berlibur dengan tenang:
  1. Tanggal 31 Januari saya harus nge-MC (for the first time) di acara tahun baruan lingkungan, acara dimulai dari jam 8 malam sampai dengan selesai, alias baru selesai ketika sudah melewati malam tahun baru.

  2. Tanggal 5 Januari saya harus menghadapi UAS praktek mata kuliah Fotografi yang cukup menyita pikiran. Sang dosen pun telah menetapkan beberapa aturan ujian yang cukup sulit dilakukan, kata beliau aturan-aturan itu muncul setelah beliau menjadi lebih pintar akibat meminum vitamin otak. What the ****?

  3. Tanggal 8 Januari UAS Agama Katolik.

  4. Tanggal 10 Januari saya sebagai panitia divisi acara Natal KMK Unpad harus bekerja keras suapaya acara ini berhasil dengan gemilang *cring..cring*

  5. Dilanjutkan UAS mata kuliah lainnya pada tanggal 11-15 Januari. Dan rasanya mereka sudah melambai-lambaikan tangannya pada saya.... Glek. Ya Tuhan, berilah saya kekuatan...

Terkadang rasanya saya ingin berteriak, saya mau liburan! Walaupun begitu saya harus tetap bersyukur karena Tuhan masih mengijinkan saya untuk bisa berkumpul bersama dengan keluarga yang lengkap. Yaah, semoga saja mungkin bulan Juni saya bisa memenangkan Shopping Trip to Paris with Miss Jinjing.

HomeShop18 brings ‘3 Idiots’ merchandise

HomeShop18 brings another special – launches the “3 Idiots” merchandise by converge. HomeShop18 will be selling Converse shoes, worn by Aamir Khan, R Madhavan and Sharman Joshi in the movie exclusively on the virtual platform through the special show, ‘Converse 3 Idiots collection’. The Converse shoes are exclusively designed by Aamir khan. The design is popularly known as the doodle designs. No other star has personally designed any film merchandise before. The 3 Idiots Converse Collection shoes that have Aamir's doodles on them reflect the personality of todays’ Indian youth who are funky in attitude, cool and outspoken.

On the special show, HomeShop18 experts/anchors will be selling the exclusive merchandise from 3 Idiots giving out all details like material, design and other features. The shoes come in Resin Rubber and non-marking sole. The in-sole is made of Latex foam cushion insole, a unique feature of the Converse Canvas shoes that gives additional cushioning comfort and bounce back to the wearer. The shoes are available in red and black colour with Multi-color laces.

Announcing the launch of the Show, Sundeep Malhotra, CEO, HomeShop18, said, ‘Every youngster today gets inspired from what their favourite actors are wearing in the movies. 

Designer lingerie cracks Christmas - John Lewis

Commenting on this week's trade so far, Nat Wakely, Director of John Lewis Selling Operations, said: 'Sales from Sunday to close of business on Wednesday are 27 per cent ahead of 2008 levels. We have seen superb sales of last-minute gifts, in particular in beauty, lingerie and gift food.

'We have had a cracking Christmas and are anticipating an equally strong Clearance, having bought in 15 per cent more bargains. Clearance starts online at 6pm today (Christmas Eve) and on 27 December in our shops (excluding Trafford which starts on 26 December). We have excellent products available at great prices from sofa beds to LCD TVs and washing machines to beauty gifts.'

Digital gifts continue to be popular with Sony eBooks up 36 per cent and kitchen radios +26 per cent.

Designer lingerie (including Stella, Myla and La Perla) saw an increase of 115 per cent. Across all lingerie categories the most popular colours are purple and red.

The cold weather was a factor in footwear purchases. Snow boot sales have trebled, wellies are +160 per cent and we have sold a pair of slippers every two minutes.

Kingfisher Swimsuit 2010 Calendar Launched By Deepika Padukone

The 8th Edition of the uber chic, extravagant and most anticipated calendar of the year KINGFISHER SWIMSUIT CALENDAR 2010 returned, in its most sweltering avatar yet!! 

The calendar was being unveiled over a plush brunch hosted by Dr. Vijay Mallya, Chairman, United Breweries at his residence ‘Niladri’. ‘The King of Good Times’ – opened up his home to his special guests as he revealed the first look of the calendar.

The guest of honour at this year’s ‘Kingfisher Swimsuit Calendar 2010’ launch party was none other than Deepika Padukone. 
  Present on the occasion was Deepika Padukone, Kunal Kapoor, Madhavan, Abhay Deol, Dr Mallya, his son Siddharth Mallya, Atul and Vandana KASBEKAR, Fahad and Simone Singh, Prahlad Kakkar, Arti and Kailash Surendranath, Purab Kohli, Rahul Dev, Siddharth Kanan and whole model brigade like Pia Trivedi, Deepti Gujral, Monikangana Dutta and this years six stunning models – Sonali Raut, Esha Gupta, Gia Johnson Singh, Aashika Pratt, Himarsha Venkatsamy (winner of the model hunt show) and Anjali Lavaniya (runner up of the model hunt on NDTV Good Times).

Kim Kardashian teams up with 50Kshoes

Kim Kardashian, model, businesswoman, style maven and reality star, teams up with 50Kshoes.com "Celebrity Charity Challenge" to benefit Soles4Souls, the international shoe charity dedicated to providing free footwear to those in desperate need.

"It is an amazing cause. You give money and they help needy people and people in poverty to get shoes," said Kim Kardashian. "For the price of a latte, you can give two pairs of shoes to people in need."

Donating is easy at 50Kshoes.com. It requires no shipping and no trips to the post office. The suggested donation is very affordable, with $5.00 buying two pairs of new shoes. Kim's challenge ends on January 31, 2010 and all donations are tax-deductible.

Money raised will go toward the purchase of 1,000 pairs of new shoes which will be distributed in Kim's honor for her support. The distribution will take place on January 8, 2010 in New Orleans. Soles4Souls has sent over 1 million pairs of new shoes to the area since Hurricane Katrina devastated the area in 2005.

In addition, Kim's shoe endeavor ShoeDazzle.com will donate $5 to Soles4Souls for every person who registers with ShoeDazzle.com from now until December 23rd.

Soles4Souls Inc

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Masalah Flash disk : not Formatted Do you want to format it now?

Ada seorang teman dari tread sebelah memiliki masalah seperti ini :

mo tanya nich,hari ini flashdiskku pas q colokin koq minta diformat ya " The disk in drive G is not Formatted Do you want to format it now? "padahal ada isinya loh,apa dah rusak ya?adalah solusi lain selain format? dah kucoba di kompie lain juga begitu mohon pencerahannya trims ya Smiley

nah lalu ada yang jjawab seperti ini ;

menurut pengalaman, saya juga pernah mengalaminya.
biasanya klo udah seperti ini, ada yg error sama data di FDnya (bad sector dll). jadi biasanya kuformat. tapi mungkin temen2 lain ada yg bisa membantu?

pengalaman ku sendiri jika ada jejadian seperti itu, sepertinya akan berakhir data hilang karena saat keluar kotak dialog seperti itu walau kita pilih No . coba cek di propertise pasti data nya sudah 0 byte. jadi secara otomatis data kita sudah hilang, jika ada yang menganjurkan format aja lalu cari datanya ( kembalikan datanya ) dengan software recovery sepertinya menjadi solusi menarik, tapi tunggu dulu aku sudah mencoba berbagai macam software seperti itu dan hasil nnya nihil setelah disk di format tidak ada data yang kembali, aku masih tidak percaya waktu itu lalu aku minta temen ku ke tempat servis yang " mahal " tapi sama saja tidak bisa mengembalikan data yang sudah di format. nah bagi yang mengalami kejadian seperti itu sebaikkanya tukar saja flasnya jika masih dalam masa garansi, jika tidak flash nya di servis saja karena hal seperti ini biasanya akan terjadi lagi karena ada hardware yang error di flash tersebut , jika ada uang sebaikknya beli lagi ( maaf ya sarannya seperti ini ) tapi klo teman teman ada yang tahu solusinya silahkan share ya n tulis komentar

Buat teman teman yang menemukan broken link alias link rusak tolong kasih tahu ya,admin mengucapkan terimakasih atas laporannya.Mohon laporannya tulis di kolom komentar. Aku usahakan untuk segera diperbaiki.

Man Fashion : Skinny Jeans

If you thought you look totally awesome in your skinny hipster jeans, well you are wrong. The trend seems to be dying off and most people these days have begun to go for that eased look, which comes with jeans that are not skinny. In the Paris Men’s Fashion Week lately, Dior Homme, Lanvin, Hermès, Paul Smith and other big names in the men’s couture did not reveal any jeans or trousers that even bordered close to being skinny or tight.

The tight jeans, kohl fudged, spike haired look seems to be dying and a relaxed 90s look seems to be back. This could be a fallout from the recession as most of us do not care about fashion anymore? as some of us are not afford as before?

The solution seems to be in well tailored but unpretentious jeans that not only look good but also make you feel like you are not being vain when people are losing jobs. Hermès designer Veronique Nichanian showed to the world what well dressed men look like even without tight and skinny jeans with washed linens and vintage shirts
Source : a-man-fashion.blogspot.com

Scan Dokumen menjadi word atau .doc

Jika Anda malas menyalin tulisan-tulisan yang ada di buku, sedangkan Anda memiliki hardware yang namanya scanner, selain komputer dan perangkat lainnya. Mungkin ini salah satu cara yang dapat Anda dilakukan untuk memanfaatkan 'scanner' tersebut. Ya... berikut ini adalah caranya:
1. Masuk ke menu START - All Programs - Accessories - Scanner and Camera Wizard.

2. Maka akan tampil layar seperti berikut. (Saya tidak pakai driver untuk scan bawaan printer, tapi pakai menu Scanner and Camera Wizard).

3. Setelah mengklik tombol Next, maka akan tampil layar berikut.

4. Pada layar Choose Scanning Preferences, di Picture Type, untuk pilihan teks semua. Maka pilih Black and white picture or text dan pada Custom Settings tentukan di 300 dpi (pilihan normal/ tidak terlalu bagus/ tidak berat). Jika sudah, lalu tekan tombol Next.

5. Pada layar diatas, yang terpenting adalah menentukan file format, untuk hal ini pilih TIF (Tagged Image File Format [*.tif; *.tiff]). Setelah semua sudah siap, tekanlah tombol Next untuk menjadikan tulisan dalam buku yang Anda scan terpindai dan tersimpan dalam komputer (dalam format *.tif).

6. Pada tahap ini, Anda masuk ke menu START - All Programs - Microsoft Office - Microsoft Office Tools - Microsoft Office Document Imaging. Maka akan tampil layar seperti berikut.

7. Di layar ini (Microsoft Office Document Imaging), masuk ke menu File dan pilih menu Open... atau tekan Ctrl+O untuk mencari file tadi *.tif (hasil scan).

8. Pada layar Open seperti gambar diatas, di bagian bawah (Files of type) pilih Tagged Image File Format. Lalu tekan tombol Open untuk membukanya.

9. Cuplikan dari isi Majalah Angkasa edisi Jip Perang diatas, adalah contoh yang saya ajukan berikut gambarnya.

10. Setelah gambar tersebut terbaca oleh aplikasi Microsoft Office Document Imaging. Anda bisa lihat di atas (posisi dibawah baris File dan kawan-kawan). Terdapat menu Send Text To Word seperti yang saya lingkari pada gambar diatas. Pilih, Klik dan ikuti langkah selanjutnya...

11. Jika sudah siap dimana menyimpannya, lanjutkan dengan menekan tombol OK.

12. Langsung saja tekan tombol OK.

13. Proses perubahan nya... (Loading/ Confert). Dan berikut ini adalah hasilnya (saya sajikan dalam 3 gambar).

14. Yang harus diingat, hasil tampilan tulisan diatas (hasil tadi) berupa web.

15. Untuk itu, tampilannya di rubah ke Print Layout View. Agar terlihat normal (Default).

16. Setelah itu, Masuk ke Menu File - Save As.

17. Di tahap terakhir ini (pada layar Save As), dibagian bawah terdapat pilihan Save as type yang diarahkan ke tipe Word Document. Lalu tekan tombol Save.

Attention: (untuk Perhatian) Time
Hasil yang didapat tidak murni menjadikan tulisan dalam buku yang dipindai menjadi sesuai dengan yang kita inginkan. Masih banyak tulisan hasil tadi harus di susun dan ubah seperti yang Anda inginkan.
"Tidak ada yang instan (langsung jadi) di dunia ini. Membuat mie instan saja butuh waktu"
Mohon maaf jika ada kesalahan dan Mudah-mudahan bahasan diatas dapat menjadi manfaat bagi saya dan semua pembaca. Amin

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Fashion Tips For Men : Holiday Fashion

The secret to a perfect holiday trip home means focusing on what really matters. Family, friends, peace, love and happiness are certainly important, but when it comes to menswear, knowing what to pack and what to wear can also make a man joyful and triumphant.

 For Club Monaco's menswear designer Timothy Farah in New York, the go-to travel item is "the perfect blazer." He adds: "It can be dressed up or not depending on the occasion." Club Monaco offers the Wright blazer and the Channing Tuxedo blazer, both for $349. The jackets are "tailored and modern."

Jeffery Spivock, the public relations senior manager for Gap in Toronto, would wear a Banana Republic velvet blazer ($310) on the plane to avoid crushing it. He says it "looks as good with a pair of destructed jeans ($160) as it does dressed up for holiday drinks." If the itinerary is elaborate and takes you from cold to warm cities, Spivock says: "I always pack neutral staples that I can layer in multiple combinations and still look fresh." He suggests accessories will also make the difference. "

Arienne Shoom, head stylist for Joe Fresh Style, thinks adding a zip-front Fair Isle sweater, $39, to the checklist is a good idea. The sweater's intricate geometric patterns are "festive without going overboard, perfect for the holiday season and then cosy for hitting the slopes." Since lounging with in-laws in boxers may not do, Shoom has a great pointer: pyjamas.

Image Credits & Articles Source : calgaryherald.com

Cara menghilangkan Windows Genuine Victim di XP

Mungkin anda sering berselancar/browsing di internet. suatu ketika anda lupa untuk mematikan Automatic Updates pada windows anda. Sehingga ketika anda sedang asik berselancar tiba-tiba windows anda melakukan update secara otomatis, jika windows anda Asli/Genuine tidak masalah. Tapi kalau windowsnya bajakan? Dia akan berhenti ditengah jalan. Ya terpaksa deh setiap start up anda harus menunggu beberapa detik lebih lama dari biasanya… karena saat start up akan muncul notifikasi yang memberitahukan bahwa windows anda bajakan atau istilahnya minta windows yang asli.

Untuk mengatasinya berikut ini ada trik untuk menghilangkan tampilan tersebut saat start up.

Menghilangkan Peringatan Windows Genuine Advance (WGA)
Langkah2nya adalah sebagai berikut :
  • Buka Task Manager dengan menekan “Ctrl+Alt+Del”
  • Matikan proses yang bernama “wgatray.exe”
  • Restart computer dan masuklah ke dalam Safe Mode (biasanya dengan menekan tombol F8)
  • Pada Safe Mode, buka registry editor dengan cara klik Start \\ Run. Ketik “regedit” kemudian ENTER
  • Pada regedit, carilah: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ windowsNT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Winlogon \\ Notify
  • Kemudian hapus folder/directory “WGALOGON”
  • Restart kembali komputer seperti biasa

Uninstall Windows Genuine Advance (WGA)

  • Matikan process “wgatray.exe” di Task Manager
  • Restart Windows XP dan masuk safe mode
  • Delete WgaTray.exe dari c:\Windows\System32
  • Delete WgaTray.exe dari c:\Windows\System32\dllcache
  • Buka RegEdit, cari: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Winlogon \\ Notify
  • Delete folder “WgaLogon” dan seluruh isinya
  • Reboot Windows XP
Suber artikel : http://evisyari.wordpress.com/2009/01/04/cara-menghilangkan-windows-genuine-victim-di-xp/

Klo ga mau ribet ada cara yang lebih mudah yaitu :

Caranya sangat amat mudah (jauh lebih mudah daripada yang anda bayangkan), yaitu cukup dengan mendownload file berikut ini :
Make Your Copy of Windows 100% Genuine

Setelah selesai mendownload , extract rar nya, lalu klik 2x pada keyfinder.exe atau bisa juga pada port_rockxp_v4.exe (salah satunya aja), lalu masukkan key yang ada pada notepad bernama Windows XP Key, tinggal dimodify saja. Selesai sudah!
Selamat mencoba!

sumber : http://batikid.blogspot.com/2009/05/menghilangkan-pesan-windows-genuine.html

Buat teman teman yang menemukan broken link alias link rusak tolong kasih tahu ya,admin mengucapkan terimakasih atas laporannya.Mohon laporannya tulis di kolom komentar. Aku usahakan untuk segera diperbaiki.

Jessica Simpson Designs For Charity

This Saturday Jessica is helping raise money for The Art Institute in Fort Lauderdale during their Synergy Art and Music Festival. Jessica, along with Gloria Estefan, Venus Williams, Jeff Conine and Paris Hilton designed and decorated different articles of clothing that will be auctioned off, with all proceeds going towards the school's scholarship program.

The Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale's dedicated faculty understands what you need to succeed since they are industry professionals. You'll find fast-paced insight from leading members of the professional community, classes sized to ensure that you get individual attention, and lots of hands-on experience to refine your skills. From Admissions to Financial Aid to Student Affairs and Career Services, The Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale's knowledgeable staff is ready to support and encourage you toward one common goal - a portfolio and resume that qualifies you for employment opportunities.

Very few however arrive in Music City with as much baggage as Jessica Simpson. 

Neo Hairstyle Fashion